Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just call me Miss Unorganized

So I decided that I have to admit something..... because I believe that the first step to change is admitting you need to change. I am an unorganized person, (I know, I can hear the gasps and the stunned looks on your faces...) but, believe it or not, it's true. I've actually had people (*cough* Clair) tell me to get to a place 15 minutes early, just so I will get there on time. Anyways I kind of had one of those moments when God hit me on the forehead and said "Should'a had a V-8! I guess it was kinda my wakeup call.  So I decided that i'm going to get organized! Yes, i am going to go out and get a planner/calendar and I'm going to start calling people back and getting to places on time and life will just be better for everyone involved. I'm most defiantly the kind of person who hates being stressed out. I just like to cruise through life without a care in the world, but usually for me unorganized=stressed out! So I really think God wants me to go for this and I really would like you guys to hold me accountable! If I am ever late or have let you down on something I want you to z-snap at me and say, "Guuuuurrrlllll, you better get ya life in line, cause you be trippen!" That would help a lot.